02. What is Vision?

  1. What Is Vision?

Vision Systems

Visual perception is the act of observing patterns and objects through sight or visual input, and visual systems allow us to build a model of the physical world.

As mentioned in the above video, the structure of animal and insect eyes differs based on how their vision systems have evolved and adapted to it's environment and behavior; vision systems change to help a creature fulfill the tasks it needs to survive.

Compound Eyes

Bees and many other insects have compound eyes that consist of multiple lenses (as many as 30,000 lenses in a single compound eye). Each lens is responsible for focusing light and forming a small section of an image; this allows an insect to see a composite image that’s pieced together from the input that each lens receives! If you’d like to learn more about compound eyes, take a look at this reference.

A close up of the compound eyes of a bee; to the right are many tightly-spaced lenses that form a single compound eye.

A close up of the compound eyes of a bee; to the right are many tightly-spaced lenses that form a single compound eye.